Dansy Labs was started with trading at the heart of its operation, and even today our API / Intermediate trading business is what we focus on most. Our true strength as a trading house lies in our ability to treat and navigate the Chinese / Indian markets as one, taking the best of both worlds and offering it to others with the added promise of quality and transparency. All the products we offer are manufactured by the highest quality suppliers, whose manufacturing sites have been approved by several different regulatory agencies worldwide.

Unlike other trading businesses, we conduct our own market research before entering a market with any particular product, ensuring that we have the highest-quality, most competitively priced supply. This approach has led many manufacturers and purchasers alike to only conduct their buying and selling through us. It must be noted that due to our partnership-oriented approach, we refuse to see ourselves as mere traders – rather we consider ourselves facilitators. Whether it be a manufacturer looking to penetrate a new market or a business looking to procure best-in-class goods, we believe in understanding and facilitating the needs of our customers.

Medical Consumables

Dansy Labs is one of the renowned traders providing medical consumables to clients and consumer. With a product portfolio offering over thousands of products. Dansy labs makes it easier and more affordable for every client to have the very best supplies and service.
Dansy Labs aims to become one of the leading traders in chemicals across the region. We have set up long-term and extensive business relationships with renowned companies that develop polymers & numerous organic compounds used in day-to-day goods such as adhesives, sealants and cleaning chemicals. As a company we are committed to product safety and customer service excellence, a constant drive to innovate & a commitment to always meeting your business needs.

Dansy Labs Highly Assures The Following Terms

Access to economically priced products

High-quality standards

Complete end-to-end transparency, support and services

Timely delivery of goods